life is short. do first thing first.

Tag: offroad

Tips masuk hutan


1. Lumut Taik Kera.

Kalau kita jalan diwaktu malam, terutama di hutan padat dekat dgn air terjun atau sungai (mcm kes saya kat Janda Baik), bila kita jalan dalam gelap, kita akan nampak ada benda2 bercahaya warna hijau..ala2 benda yg pendarcahaya. Benda yg bercahaya tu ialah lumut taik kera, bila siang tak nampak apa2, bila malam dia akan keluarkan cahaya walaupun dgn skit bantuan cahaya dr bulan bintang. Yg bestnya, lumut ni hanya tumbuh didenai (laluan binatang atau orang), so kalau sesat..ikut je laluan ni diwaktu malam, insyaAllah..tak langgar pokok.

2. Ular tedung.

Kalau terserempak dgn ular masa dlm hutan, jangan buat gerakan mengejut..stay still dan undur balik. Ular tedung tak mematuk bila kepala dia tengah kembang penuh, sebaliknya akan mematuk bila kepala dia kembang separuh je. Oleh tu, kita acah2 bagi ular tu kembang penuh dgn ranting kayu dan berundur2 pelan2. – belajar dr orang asli.

3. Kera / lutong dan spesis yg sama.

Spesis kera takkan lari bila kita libas dgn sebatang ranting kayu, in fact dia leih lincah dr gerakan ranting kita. Utk halau kera, patahkan pokok renek dgn daun dan ranting yg mengembang..dan hayunkan kat kera tu..baru lari (rasionalnya, ranting + daun yg kembang tu nampak lagi besar dr sebatang ranting) – belajar dr askar.

4. Harimau. kalau mancing dlm hutan, sedang dlm hutan tu bunyi penuh dgn unggas serangga, tetiba hutan tu jadik sunyi sepi, biasanya ada haiwan menghendap..terutamanya harimau, harimau akar dan beruang. Selepas hutan jadi ‘diam’, kemudian disusuli dgn bau hamis..confirm harimau..hehehe..apa lagi, bagi letup satu mercun bola la.. – belajar dr orang asli.

5. Beruang madu.

Hutan paya kat Malaysia banyak beruang madu (yg kecik tu, sekerat pinggan dgn dada kaler oren),kalau terserempak, kita yg perlu menjerit dan buat seperti nak kejar, automatik beruang tu akan lari. – belajar dr orang asli.

6. Kepala air.

Kalo khemah kat tepi sungai, jangan buat khemah kat tepi air, buat dibahagian /kawasan yg pokok2nya besar. Tandakan satu batu yg besar, kalo tengah malam batu tu hilang, maknanya air tengah naik la tu..- belajar dgn kaki pancing.

7. Tanda-tanda kepala air.

Kalo hujan kat hulu, biasanya akan ada kepala air (air naik dr dlm perbezaan paras 5 kaki tak sampai 10 minit). Tanda2 lain yg kita perlu tengok ialah kehadiran buih2 putih kat tempat tak berbuih (klu kat tempat air jatuh for sure ada buih)..maksud saya kat tempat air mengalir biasa, tetiba ada buih2 halus timbul. Tu tandanya arus bawah lagi laju dr arus atas. pastu, akan ada daun basah hanyut, then barulah ada perubahan warna air, dr jernih ke warna oren, coklat dll. Biasanya perubahan ni sekejap saja, dalam 5-6 minit sebelum arus besar datang (kepala air)..sama kes kat Dam Chamang, bentong..saya dah kena. Tambah skit, kalo kepala air datang, bunyi air lebih kuat dr biasa, dr kejauhan dah dengar.

8. Nak masak air.

Jangan amik air kat tepi sungai, amik kat tengah sungai atau tempat yg mengalir deras. Rationalnya, tikus, rusa, kancil, babi dll kencing kat tepi sungai, arus akan tolak air kencing tu ke tebing. So, amik yg tengah2. – belajar ngan askar.

9. Binatang besar.

Kera atau monyet akan lari dan buat bising bila ada bahaya i.e harimau, gajah, badak, seladang dll. Kalau dr jauh dengar bunyi kera dl buat bising..tentu ada binatang besar tengah lalu. – belajar dgn orang asli.

10. Makan makanan yg dimasak i.e ikan bakar dll.

Semasa kat hutan, kami mesti makan sampai habis dan hanyutkan / tanam lebihan makanan sebab bau makanan ni akan menarik perhatian beruang, kera, gajah utk datang bertandang. – ni belajar ngan kaki pancing lain.

11. Buat semua perkara sebelum jam 5.00 petang.

Biasanya, bila kami kat hutan, kami akan selesaikan semua urusan (masak, mandi, basuh dll) sebelum jam 5.00 petang. Sebab, dlm pukul 5.00 lebih, hutan dah gelap disebabkan oleh kanopi pokok dan kecondongan matahari. – belajar dr pengalaman.

12. Hutan yg bising dgn bunyi unggas lebih baik di waktu malam drpd hutan yg sunyi sepi. Bila hutan sepi, mesti ada apa2 yg tak kena. – orang asli.

Ok, masuk bab amalan bukak khemah (Rule and system dia la..bukan amalan yg spritual ni..).

1. Cari kanopi yg masih hijau.

Bila dah tentukan nak khemah, dongak ke atas, cari pokok muda dan kanopi (rimbunan daun) yg masih, risiko kena hempap ranting dahan bila angin kuat rendah.

2. Ketinggian dr paras air.

Bila dah tentukan mana bahagian yg lapang nak dibuat, tentukan ketinggian khemah sekurang2 4 kaki dr aras air sungai, kalau landai..jangan buat khemah kat situ, biasanya kawasan landai, akan ada banyak pokok2 rendah dan renek mcm pokok senduduk dll..tu tandanya air selalu naik kat kawasan tu. Cari kat kawasan yg pokoknya besar2.

3. Tentukan laluan / denai didalam radius kawasan 20 meter dr khemah.

Jangan buat khemah didalam laluan denai, sebab laluan denai bukan utk manusia sahaja, ianya adalah laluan binatang lain jugak. kang seladang tumpang tidur.

4. Bersihkan lantai tapak perkhemahan drpada daun dan pokok2 renek (potong je pokok2 kecik ni,kang dia tumbuh balik). Pakai je ranting pokok2, sapu sampai nampak tanah dan takdak daun, so, risiko terkena sengat lipan, kala jengking dll tu kurang skit.

5. Dah ready, baru tabur karbaid kaler kuning tu.

6. Kalau pakai khemah jenis igloo atau T shape, pasang khemah kat secara menghadap /berhadapan dan unggun api kat tengah.

7. Dlm nyalaan unggun api tu, standby dgn beberapa batang kayu panjang. Kalo boleh, sesuai dgn jumlah orang yg pergi camping tu. Bila ada bahaya, perimeter diceroboh, apa lagi..capai la kayu yg ada api ni sebagai senjata, parang pisau..binatang tak takut. Api? confirm depa lari..

8. Kalo ikut pengalaman saya, kami memang buat perimeter, risau gak kot2 binatang datang (beruang terutamanya) datang ke khemah sebab bau masakan kami. Kami suka buat pagar dgn tali tangsi disambing dgn loceng, terlanggar je tali tu, loceng akan bunyi.

Kredit: Segamat Outdoor World

OFFROAD : Jerangkang Waterfalls in Pahang, Malaysia


This project was in fact a jamboree organized by AMAL 4X4 Club in March 2014.  The venue is Hutan Lipur Jerangkang in Pahang. AMAL 4X4 is an NGO, active in reaching out to orang asli (natives people) and other hard-to-reach community doing charity work and dakwah (spreading message of Islam).  Our other missions are recreation and rescue. Visit AMAL 4X4  facebook for details what we are doing.


Jerangkang Waterfall aka Hutan Lipur Jerangkang can be reached from the KL-Kuantan road. If you drive along East Coast Highway aka LPT, you may exit at Sri Jaya into old KL-Kuantan road. Then take Kuantan-bound direction after the exit. About 30 km after passing Maran, turn left at a signboard ‘Hutan Lipur Jerangkang’. The road leads through rubber plantations and passes under the LPT.  For the most part of the stretch a 4WD is needed. The terrain is not meant for a city car. A standard 4×4 is good enough, during hot dry season.

If you don’t drive, you may take a public transport like bus. The bus will drop you at Kampung Gelugor, a ‘port’ before going into the jungle. There is a restaurant and a mosque next to it. Transport to the falls can be arranged from this port. Ask around at a restaurant next to the mosque. I was not type in this trip, so I dont know the fares.


Well, you cannot do things you do in the city here. It is back to basics. Suggested activities here.

 1. Camping. Basic camping facilities are provided: toilet with water source from the fall via PVC pipes, campsite, huts. Set up own tent and cook basic meals. Camping is made easy these gas. To eat, just heat up pre-cooked canned foods on portable stoves, powered from butane gas. To sleep, just pop up the tent.  Leftovers must be kept properly because wild dogs stray at night in search for foods.

2. Trekking. You can track up to higher level falls. A local we met said there are 43 levels up there. I wish I could verify his claim but at the end just believed him. Words of caution — you must have basic knowledge before trekking in the jungle. What tp bring in the backpack and what to leave. Navigation skill is crucial.

3. Offroad activities. In case you drive 4×4 here, like myself, you could sharpen your offroad skill by maneuvering steep hills and stream crossing.

4. Or just take a dive into the natural swimming pool.  The waters so pure and cooling.

No mobile phone signal here. So you are cut off from the civilization for a couple of days. It is a bliss indeed — no calls from boss and colleagues.  But do not forget your camera. Nights in the jungle can get very cooler. Bring light jackets just in case.

Enjoy the photos below.

Some of the 4X4s participating

Some of the 4X4s participating


Group photo before dismissal


A Pajero which turned turtle when scaling Bukit Tegak (vertical hill). The driver Pak Kiyai was fine anyway. Well it really served its purpose.


A doctor among us treated a Mak Cik orang asli


The amal part of the trip — visiting orang asli in the Jerangkang area. with basic necessities and medical supply.


Ziarah ke perkampungan orang asli berdekatan Hutan Lipur Jerangkang.


Mud tyres needed most during rainy season


Adam Bahari — probably the youngest participant from KL


Some of the machines taking part in the jamboree.


Jabatan Hutan closes the track up to the higher falls, in view of so many unauthorized vehicles going up. Now you have to backpack all the way up to enjoy all the 43 falls.


Camping site right in the middle of the nature.


No call is more urgent than the call for muslims to pray. Muslims must pray 5 times a day wherever they are.


A dive into one of the falls. Local said there are 43 such falls, the most beautiful one is at the top-most, unsurprisingly.


Fall no. 3 in Hutan Lipur Jerangkang, in Pahang, Malaysia.


Families can setup their tent here, under the tall trees.


One of the activities called for each group to prepare best food from the live chickens provided, and no other tool or spices.


An official camping site built by the relevant government agency.


A briefing on survival in the jungle prior to the jungle tracking.


A toilet was provided with water source from the waterfall via PVC pipes. I saw some came with families with small kids.


An underpass. LPT is up there.

Non-moslem friends from Kuantan also joined us in this trip.

Non-moslem friends from Kuantan also joined us in this trip.


Masjid Kg Gelugor along Kuantan-Maran old road is the starting point into Hutan Lipur Jerangkang.

OFFROAD: Ziarah Dakwah ke Ulu Slim, Perak


Pada 27-28 September 2014, AMAL 4X4 menganjurkan program ziarah dakwah di kawasan pendalaman. Kali ini, destinasi ialah Pos Tenau, Ulu Slim, Perak, di mana kumpulan sasaran ialah orang asal (asli) yang menetap di sini. Majoriti berugama Kristian.  Anda memerlukan kenderaan pacuan empat roda untuk sampai ke sini. Perjalanan memang mencabar dan menarik terutamanya untuk 4X4 enthusiasts! Kena melalui beberapa batang sungai.

Lihat gambar-gambar dibawah. Detail aktiviti boleh di lihat di FB Amal 4X4. Kami mengalu-alukan sumbangan dana untuk aktiviti kami akan datang. Kalau anda ada kenderaan 4×4, lagi bagus. Boleh  join program kami. Misi kami ialah AMAL, RIADAH, RESCUE.

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OFFROAD: Pos Kuala Mu, Sungai Siput Perak


This project was co-organized by AMAL 4X4 Club, before Ramadan 2014.  AMAL 4X4 is an NGO, active in reaching out to orang asli (natives people) and other hard-to-reach community doing charity work and dakwah (spreading message of Islam).  Other objectives are recreation and rescue. Visit AMAL 4X4  facebook for details what we are doing.

Pos Kuala Mu is about 50 kms from Sungai Siput town. (Sungai Siput town is about 27 kms north of Ipoh, capital of Perak). Pos Kuala Mu is a remote orang asli settlement.  En route we passed by several orang asli villages. Pos Kuala Mu is at the end of the stretch. About 160 families including neighboring villages, half of them are Muslims, the rest are either Christian or animistic. Their livelihood is hunting and gathering forest products. Some youngsters left to work in towns and cities. Lately the Government have started initiatives to bring them to the mainstream society and introduced modern elements into their life. A new secondary school with wifi connectivity. Brick houses. Solar panel at every home to generate electricity for home use. Mobile cellular connectivity, where the telecom broadcast station is powered by diesel genset. Except decent road to connect the community to town.  The only access road now is jalan tanah merah (untarred mountain  road), rendered useless when it rains. In short you need a 4X4 vehicle to get in and out of Pos Kuala Mu. A standard 4X4 is good enough.

We set out from KL just before midnight, driving along PLUS highway. Exited at Kuala Kangsar toll plaza and took trunk road to Sungai Siput. KK was a town of light even at 3am, Reached Masjid Felda Lasah one hour before Fajr time. This masjid is our port before we started the offroad adventure  the next morning.   Few other 4X4 from Taiping and other places joined us from the masjid. Felda Lasah is a village, very quiet one, with bare necessities. A no-name petrol station, a small grocery store, couple of road-side food stalls, a primary school and of course a mosque and a graveyard next to the mosque. That is all I could notice around Felda Lasah. May be more — well I don’t know.

The weather was fine and sunny when we set out in the morning after having breakfast at nasi lemak stall in front of the masjid.  Parents were busy ferrying their children to the school nearby in the motorcycles. Some were curious to see so many 4X4 vehicles parked in the masjid compund.

We met many new friends from among suku Temiar. Probably the most forgotten tribe. Their names are very traditional unless those converted to Islam. They changed to muslim names like Rafik and Alang, the most elderly of the clan, along with Tok Batin I could not remember his name. The children were happy sokmo and camera-friendly with their innocent faces. We brought elementary children books from KL (sponsored by a brother) and read with them.

On the way out, we stopped by at Sungai Perlus waterfall. Fishing time. But no fish though.  We took out portable gas stove to boil water for coffee. And for some, snack time with instant noodle. The ambience of tresh air and the rapid and the waterfall. What a place to enjoy a cup of coffee.

We bumped into a Pakistani carpet man on motorcycle fully loaded, on the way out. Also a Chinese trader from outside (Sungai Siput)  driving in Mitsubishi Triton  into this community to sell basic foodstuff, and probably in exchange with forest produces such as tongkat ali and others.  A group of dirt bikes riders were having fun riding along the dirt road. It was raining heavily with gusting wind when we reached Kampung Bawong, at the end of the jungle road. Obviously the storm had brought down trees onto power lines. We took time to stop to clear the road.

The subsequent trip to Pos Kuala Mu is scheduled in November, to start construction of the Surau or just musolla. Just after Hari Raya Idil Fitri, Alang called to inform that durian sudah luruh.

Enjoy the photos below.


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